Mississippi Page

This page is mainly designed to have contact information dealing with eLists and eGroups. For Event information, personal contact information, and just to know what is going on Statewide I suggest going to one of the three sites listed below. I see no reason to duplicate their excellent efforts.

Please Read. An open Letter from C.C. Busch on Paganism and the Bush Faith-based Inititive.

Mississippi Pagan Network


Miss Gulf Coast Pagans


And of Course when all else fails...



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eLists and eGroups

If your group is not listed please email me at If you wish a logo to be added or the text updated, email me as well. I will be happy to aid any Mississippi Pagan /Wiccan Website as much as I can.

Pagan_Connections_mississippi is designed to help the pagans, wiccans and witches of mississippi find one and other and network. It is an offshoot of the pagan_census website which you can locate at http // Blessed Be Everyone! There is strength and comfort in numbers. Kecia, keeper of the pagan_census website

Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Arkansas, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, Hellenion, Nova Roma, ADF, CUUPs, gods, goddesses, Apollo, paganism, heathen, reconstructionist. SouthEast Polytheism is dedicated to the purposes of networking and events for polytheists in the Southeastern United States. Polytheism is defined as the worship of or belief in more than one god. This term was chosen to avoid problems with vagueness and negative/confusing ... more

Mailing list for the Kudzu Grove Pagan study circle located in Meridian, Mississippi. A group for Pagans and people interested in learning about Pagan lifestyles, methods, and philosophies in the Lauderdale and surrounding counties. All are welcome to join. Face -to-face study group and web based meeting schedules will be posted here for all to attend.

Pagan Awareness Coalition is a Group founded for those in the United States and abroad who are dedicated to dispelling the popular misconceptions about various religious paths such as multi-theistic, nature oriented or Earth-based religions. PAC's aim is to achieve religious tolerance by educating the general public about the variety of religious beliefs and practices. We seek freedom from harassment by those who do not respect Freedom of Religion, and we wish to build bridges of understanding ... more

This group is for discussion and networking in the state of Mississippi. Anyone who calls themselves pagan and lives in Mississippi may join and participate in discussion!

The list of the Southern Pagans' and Witches' Network, (S.P.A.W.N.) dedicated to communication and debate among leaders of the Witchcraft and Pagan communities in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Arkansas, and Texas. open to current and former group leaders, shop owners, and other prominent figures in the community.

This list is for Open Minds from all paths in the Central Mississippi area. We're using this list as a way to network, stay in touch with one another, pass along ideas and to notify each other of significant events happening in the area. We gather occasionally for Pot Luck dinners, picnics and fellowship to keep each other informed as to how our lives are going, for spiritual and mystical discussion and to help out one another when needed. Our group is open to all and is an eclectic mix of ... more

This group was created as primarily a resource of items for research and study (e.g., links & files) for like-minded individuals interested in the serious exploration and study of the Western Esoteric Traditions. It was created also as an effective means of announcing, and bringing folks together for, relevant training and learning opportunities (e.g., seminars, workshops, etc.) in the southern United States (particularly Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana & Arkansas). The list may experience long ... more

This mailing list is designed to bring together the Pagans of the University of Southern Mississippi as we try to set up a new Pagan Student Organization. Group Moderator To subscribe, send a message to or go the this e-group's home page at http //


The OFFICIAL Mississippi Chapter of the Pagan Unity Campaign's Political Action Committee, (PUC_PAC). The mission of the Pagan Unity Campaign (PUC) is to unify the many diverse branches of Paganism in America. A lofty goal that has been tried many times before and not succeeded. However, we are not attempting to unify Pagans under a religious umbrella, but we want Pagans to come together under the banner of Freedom.

The PUC does not attempt do define Paganism; however when addressing an elected official, it is PUC's decision to state that: "Paganism may be loosely defined as any of a group of positive, life-affirming, earth-honoring faiths usually based in ancient beliefs." PUC does not support nor represent Satanist, Atheist, or cults.


This is a group for the teen pagans of Mississippi, or the South Eastern area of the US. Including Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi(of course), Tennessee, and others. This is mainly for teen pagans of Mississippi because the moderators are from MS. But you don't have to live there to join.

This was created by Tarynne and myself, Ravyn. The idea was given to us by a kind fellow Pagan woman we met in a bookstore. She told us about a yahoo group that she was a moderator for, and said that she did not know of any yahoo groups for Pagan Teens in the Mississippi, together, Tarynne and I decided to start one, ourselves. We hope to unite all fellow Pagan Teens (of any path) together.

  • No one older than 19..

  • And no one younger than 14. (I know! I know...*BUT I'M 13!! AND I'M CONSIDERED A TEEN!!* And what I have to say about that is when you're around the ages of 12-14 you're in a stage where you're very impressionable..and want to go with the *fad*. I know some of you don't, but if you're really a devoted Pagan, then, when you turn 14 (I'll even be easily persuaded to accept a 13 y-o) you can join. But until then.


MS Pagan Parents is a list for the benefit of Wiccan, Pagan, and Heathen Moms and Dads. Our focus is primarily on Mississippi but all Pagan parents are welcome to share stories about bringing up Pagan babies, witchlings and lil heathens and hopefully arrange get-togethers.


Mississippi Pagan History Month. Dedicated to documenting and preserving the history of Paganism and Pagan groups and events in the state of Mississippi.


Merry Meet! Welcome to the Official eGroup of the Internet's Premiere Wicca Singles website. This egroup is for Mississippi Wicca and Pagan Singles and Pen Pals. Meet new people, make new friends, or find a new love. We hope that you will enjoy being part of our Mississippi Wicca Singles online community.

The Order of the White Rose is a Pagan religious group operating in the Mississippi Gulf Coast area. We teach Druidic beliefs within a Traditional Wiccan framework, focusing more on the shamanic practices of the Celts than on Middle-Eastern ceremonial magick. We have a strong affinity towards the Arthurian Legends, and choose to label our faith as "Druid Wicca". We don't adhere to one particular pantheon; using such general terms as "God and Goddess" and "Lord and Lady" in group rituals, allowing each member to choose their own personal pantheon.

MSN eGroups

Immortal Light

In the documents area you will see a lot of pagan info. I hope that everyone will feel welcomed and post there own rituals, beliefs, writings, spells, and whatever else you believe may help others. We decided to put Immortal Light under the mature ratings. We want everyone to feel like they may express themselves 100% .

Pagan Spirit

Bases in North Eastern Mississippi. Come check us out!!!