The Politics of Dancing

While Paganism and Witchcraft are becoming more and more open, and "normal" in society today, this is not to say that Pagans are accepted into mainstream religion.

This section deals with some of the ethical, political and religious issues confronting Pagans today on a day-by-day basis.

Pagan Bill of Rights

On Community

Wicca: The US Air Force Chaplin's Guide to

Understanding the Religious Reich

The Enemies of Our Enemies

Pagan Prisoners

Pagan Political Links



Pagan Prisoners

This section deals with information dealing with issues confronting Pagans who are incarcerated. For an open letter describing the issue more fully please click here.

The best location for information is the Pagan Education Network

The Pagan Educational Network is a national nonprofit organization of grassroots activists dedicated to educating the public about Paganism and building stronger communities. We are one of the most proactive organizations in America, taking creative steps to claim Pagans' constitutional rights to freedom of worship and to manifest a healthier culture. Our philosophy is "do what you can when you can." No matter how small your contribution, you make a difference.

Note: PEN moved their home office about two years ago. The correct mailing address is PO Box 586, Portage, IN 46368.

Fellowship of the Earth's Pagan Ministry

Mother Earth Ministries (Arizona)

Pagan Federation of Canada's Prison Program

Virginia Pagan Prisoners

Circle Sanctuary

Church of the Spiral Tree (SE USA)

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