Politics of Dancing
While Paganism and Witchcraft are becoming more and more open, and "normal" in society today, this is not to say that Pagans are accepted into mainstream religion.
Wicca: The US Air Force Chaplin's Guide to
NOT ME!!! |
Pagan Bill of RightsThis section deals with the Pagan Bill of Rights as advanced by the Pagan Unity Campaign.
I. Pagans shall have the same freedom to worship that
is II. Pagans shall have the same respect of all elected
officials III. A Pagan parent's religion shall not be used as
evidence for IV. Pagans shall be free to work without regard to
their religion, and V. Pagans shall have the same freedom to conduct their
lives that is VI. School district personnel and classroom visitors
shall not VII. Pagans shall have the same freedom to exercise
all of their rights VIII. Pagans are entitled to the free exercise of their
beliefs and rituals IX Pagans shall have the right to redress when their
religious rights IX. Pagans shall be able to wear sacred symbols of
their faith in |